Number of matches: 187
[2017] 844 IAC 6 Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists' Assistants
approved. This list shall be available in written form from the Health Professions Bureau, 402
Washington Street, Room W066, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
(b) An approved program is one
[2016] 844 IAC 6 Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists' Assistants
assistant educational programs
that the committee has approved. This list shall be available in written form from the Health Professions Bureau, 402
Washington Street, Room W066, Indianapolis
[2015] 844 IAC 6 Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists' Assistants
that the committee has approved. This list shall be available in written form from the Health Professions Bureau, 402
Washington Street, Room W066, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
[2014] 844 IAC 6 Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists' Assistants
that the committee has approved. This list shall be available in written form from the Health Professions Bureau, 402
Washington Street, Room W066, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
[2008] 872 IAC 1 General Provisions
at the offices of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, 402
West Washington Street, Room W072, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
Copies of the AICPA Professional Standards are available from
[2007] 872 IAC 1 General Provisions
at the offices of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, 402
West Washington Street, Room W072, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
Copies of the AICPA Professional Standards are available from
[2006] 872 IAC 1 General Provisions
Professional Conduct are available for public inspection
at the offices of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, 402
West Washington Street, Room W072, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
Copies of the
creating a public safety or health threat.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the property manager of a state park may authorize an individual to take a raccoon,
Virginia opossum, striped skunk
[Latest Update] 312 IAC 9 FISH AND WILDLIFE
safety or health threat.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the property manager of a state park may authorize an individual to take a raccoon,
Virginia opossum, striped skunk, beaver, or
[2023] 312 IAC 9 Fish and Wildlife
authorize an individual to take a raccoon,
Virginia opossum, striped skunk, beaver, or muskrat on that property that is causing damage or threatening to cause damage or
creating a public safety
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