IC 4-22-2-24, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., at the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH), 1202 East 38th Street, Discovery Hall Suite 100, Indianapolis, Indiana, the BOAH will hold a public hearing on a proposed rule that amends BOAH rules governing the disposal of dead animals. The proposed rule amends
345 IAC 7-7-2 to authorize the state veterinarian to approve an extension of time or alternate method for animal carcass disposal in response to an animal disease outbreak, weather emergency, or other catastrophic event. It amends
345 IAC 7-7-3 to authorize disposal of animal carcasses and condemned and inedible waste by above ground burial. It adds
345 IAC 7-7-3.4 to relocate and amend burial standards for animal carcasses and condemned and inedible waste. It amends the sections governing composting, incineration, and digestion to clarify what constitutes thoroughly and completely incinerated and digested material. The proposed rule adds
345 IAC 7-7-3.8 to establish standards for above ground burial of animal carcasses and condemned and inedible waste. It also adds
345 IAC 7-7-4.5 to clarify the requirements for commercial carcass and inedible waste disposal facilities.