-IR- Database Guide
-IR- Database: Indiana Register


LSA Document #19-245

This is a notice of rule review as described in IC 13-14-9.5-1.1. Certain rules described in IC 13-14-9.5-1.1 do not expire after seven years. These types of rules are: (1) rules required to receive or maintain delegation, primacy, or approval for implementation or operation of a program established under federal law; and (2) rules required to begin or continue receiving federal funding for implementation or operation of a program.
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is required to publish a list of these rules that have been effective for seven years and request comment, in a 30 day comment period, on any specific rule that should be reviewed through the regular rulemaking process under IC 13-14-9. IDEM must also notice a public hearing before the Environmental Rules Board (board). IDEM will respond to all comments received during the comment period and provide the comments and responses to the board during the public hearing. The board, after considering the comments, responses, and testimony at the hearing, will direct IDEM on whether additional rulemaking actions must be started to address concerns raised to the board.
IC 13-14-9.5-1 provides that chapter 9.5 does not apply to "a rule that incorporates a federal regulation by reference or adopts under a federal mandate a federal regulation in its entirety without substantive additions." Therefore, those rules are not subject to this notice of readoption; however, for the reader's information, a list of exempt rules is included in this notice.

IC 13-14-9.5-1.1 requires this notice to contain the information described under IC 13-14-9-4(a)(5) through IC 13-14-9-4(a)(7) regarding restrictions and requirements of the listed rules that are not imposed under federal law. No element of the listed rules imposes either a restriction or requirement on persons to whom the rule applies that is not imposed under federal law. The listed rules establish requirements to implement the Clean Air Act (CAA). The CAA authorizes comprehensive federal and state regulations to limit air pollution. These rules have been incorporated into the Indiana State Implementation Plan (SIP) and are federally enforceable. These rules are authorized under IC 13-17-3-4 and IC 13-17-3-11.

The following is a list of rules in 326 IAC that have been effective for seven years and are: (1) required to receive or maintain delegation, primacy, or approval for implementation or operation of a program established under federal law; or (2) required to begin or continue receiving federal funding for implementation or operation of a program:
  326 IAC 1-1-1  Applicability of rule 
  326 IAC 1-1-2  References to federal Act 
  326 IAC 1-1-4  Severability 
  326 IAC 1-1-5  Savings clause 
  326 IAC 1-1-6  Credible evidence 
  326 IAC 1-2-1  Applicability of definitions 
  326 IAC 1-2-2  "Allowable emissions" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-2.5  "Air curtain destructor" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-3  "Air pollution control equipment" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-4  "Applicable state and federal regulations" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-5  "Attainment area" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-6  "Best available control technology (BACT)" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-7  "Bulk gasoline plant" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-8  "Bulk gasoline terminal" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-9  "Catalytic cracking unit" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-10  "Charging" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-11  "Charge port" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-12  "Clean Air Act" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-13  "Coal processing" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-14  "Coating line" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-15  "Code of Federal Regulations" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-16  "Coke oven battery" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-17  "Coke oven topside" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-18  "Coke-side" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-18.5  "Cold cleaner degreaser" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-19  "Combustion for indirect heating" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-20.2  "Commissioner" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-20.5  "Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors AP-42" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-21  "Construction" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-21.5  "Conveyorized degreaser" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-22  "Cutback asphalt" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-22.5  "Department" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-23  "Electric arc furnaces" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-23.5  "Emissions unit" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-24  "U.S. EPA" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-25  "Excess air" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-26  "Existing facility" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-27  "Facility" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-28  "Farming operation" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-28.5  "Federally enforceable" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-29  "Flare" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-29.5  "Freeboard height" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-29.6  "Freeboard ratio" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-30  "Fugitive dust" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-31  "Gas collector main" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-32  "Gasoline" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-32.1  "Gooseneck cap" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-33  "Governmental unit" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-33.1  "Grain elevator" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-33.2  "Grain terminal elevator" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-33.5  "Hazardous air pollutant" or "HAP" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-34  "Incinerator" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-34.1  "Jumper pipe" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-35  "Larry car" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-36  "Lowest achievable emission rate" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-37  "Luting material" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-38  "Major facility" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-39  "Malfunction" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-40  "Material" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-41  "Military specifications" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-42  "Modification" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-43  "Natural growth" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-44  "Necessary preconstruction approvals for permits" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-45  "New facility" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-46  "Nonattainment areas" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-47  "Noncombustible container" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-48  "Nonphotochemically reactive hydrocarbons" or "negligibly photochemically reactive compounds" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-49  "Offtake piping" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-49.5  "Open top vapor degreaser" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-50  "Oven door" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-51  "Owner or operator" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-52  "Particulate matter" or "PM" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-52.2  "PM2.5" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-52.4  "PM10" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-54  "Positive net air quality benefit" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-55  "Potential emissions" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-56  "Pre-carbonization" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-57  "Primary chamber" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-58  "Process" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-59  "Process weight; weight rate" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-60  "Pushing" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-61  "Push-side" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-62  "Qualified observer" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-62.1  "Quench car" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-63  "Quenching" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-63.1  "Quench reservoir" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-63.2  "Quench tower" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-64  "Reasonable further progress" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-64.1  "Reasonably available control technology" or "RACT" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-65  "Reconstruction" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-66  "Regulated pollutant" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-67  "Reid vapor pressure" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-68  "Related facilities" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-69  "Respirable dust" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-70  "Secondary chamber" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-71  "Shutdown condition" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-72  "Solvent" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-73  "Source" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-74  "Stack" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-75  "Standard conditions" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-76  "Startup condition" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-77  "Standpipe lid" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-78  "State implementation plan (SIP)" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-80  "Tank wagon" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-81  "Temporary emissions" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-82  "Theoretical air" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-82.5  "Total suspended particulate" or "TSP" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-83  "Transfer efficiency" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-84  "Transport" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-85  "True vapor pressure" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-86  "Unclassifiable (unclassified) areas" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-87  "Underfire" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-88  "Vapor balance system" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-89  "Vapor control system" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-90  "Volatile organic compound" or "VOC" defined 
  326 IAC 1-2-91  "Wood products" defined 
  326 IAC 1-3-1  Purpose of rule; applicability 
  326 IAC 1-3-2  Sampling procedures 
  326 IAC 1-3-3  Quality assurance guidelines 
  326 IAC 1-5  Episode Alert Levels 
  326 IAC 1-6-3  Preventive maintenance plans 
  326 IAC 1-7  Stack Height Provisions 
  326 IAC 2-1.1  General Provisions 
  326 IAC 2-2-2  Applicability 
  326 IAC 2-2-3  Control technology review; requirements 
  326 IAC 2-2-4  Air quality analysis; requirements 
  326 IAC 2-2-5  Air quality impact; requirements 
  326 IAC 2-2-6  Increment consumption; requirements 
  326 IAC 2-2-7  Additional analysis; requirements 
  326 IAC 2-2-8  Source obligation 
  326 IAC 2-2-9  Innovative control technology 
  326 IAC 2-2-10  Source information 
  326 IAC 2-2-11  Stack height provisions 
  326 IAC 2-2-12  Permit rescission 
  326 IAC 2-2-13  Area designation and redesignation 
  326 IAC 2-2-14  Sources impacting federal Class I areas: additional requirements 
  326 IAC 2-2-15  Public participation 
  326 IAC 2-2-16  Ambient air ceilings 
  326 IAC 2-2.4  Actuals Plantwide Applicability Limitations in Attainment Areas 
  326 IAC 2-3  Emission Offset 
  326 IAC 2-3.4  Actuals Plantwide Applicability Limitations in Nonattainment Areas 
  326 IAC 2-4.1  Major Sources of Hazardous Air Pollutants 
  326 IAC 2-5.1  Construction of New Sources 
  326 IAC 2-6-2  Definitions 
  326 IAC 2-6-3  Compliance schedule 
  326 IAC 2-6-4  Requirements 
  326 IAC 2-6-5  Additional information requests 
  326 IAC 2-7-2  Applicability 
  326 IAC 2-7-3  Requirement for a permit 
  326 IAC 2-7-4  Permit application 
  326 IAC 2-7-5  Permit content 
  326 IAC 2-7-6  Compliance requirements 
  326 IAC 2-7-7  Federally enforceable requirements 
  326 IAC 2-7-8  Permit issuance, renewal, and revisions 
  326 IAC 2-7-9  Permit reopening 
  326 IAC 2-7-10  Permit expiration 
  326 IAC 2-7-10.5  Part 70 permits; source modifications 
  326 IAC 2-7-11  Administrative permit amendments 
  326 IAC 2-7-12  Permit modification 
  326 IAC 2-7-13  General permits 
  326 IAC 2-7-14  Temporary source permits 
  326 IAC 2-7-15  Permit shield 
  326 IAC 2-7-16  Emergency provision 
  326 IAC 2-7-17  Public participation and notice to affected states 
  326 IAC 2-7-18  Permit review by the U.S. EPA 
  326 IAC 2-7-19  Fees 
  326 IAC 2-7-20  Operational flexibility 
  326 IAC 2-7-21  Local agencies 
  326 IAC 2-7-24  Establishment of streamlined requirements for units subject to multiple requirements 
  326 IAC 2-8  Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit Program 
  326 IAC 2-9-2.5  Industrial or commercial surface coating operations not subject to 326 IAC 8-2; graphic arts operations not subject to 326 IAC 8-5-5 
  326 IAC 2-9-3  Surface coating or graphic arts operations 
  326 IAC 2-9-4  Woodworking operations 
  326 IAC 2-9-5  Abrasive cleaning operations 
  326 IAC 2-9-6  Grain elevators 
  326 IAC 2-9-7  Sand and gravel plants 
  326 IAC 2-9-8  Crushed stone processing plants 
  326 IAC 2-9-9  Ready-mix concrete batch plants 
  326 IAC 2-9-10  Coal mines and coal preparation plants 
  326 IAC 2-9-11  Automobile refinishing operations 
  326 IAC 2-9-12  Degreasing operations 
  326 IAC 2-9-13  External combustion sources 
  326 IAC 2-9-14  Internal combustion sources 
  326 IAC 2-12  General Permits 
  326 IAC 2-13  Interim Approvals 
  326 IAC 2-14  Portable Sources 
  326 IAC 3-5-1  Applicability; continuous monitoring requirements for applicable pollutants 
  326 IAC 4-1  Open Burning 
  326 IAC 4-2  Incinerators 
  326 IAC 5-1-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 5-1-2  Opacity limitations 
  326 IAC 5-1-3  Temporary alternative opacity limitations 
  326 IAC 5-1-4  Compliance determination 
  326 IAC 5-1-5  Violations 
  326 IAC 5-1-7  State implementation plan revisions 
  326 IAC 6-2  Particulate Emission Limitations for Sources of Indirect Heating 
  326 IAC 6-3  Particulate Emission Limitations for Manufacturing Processes 
  326 IAC 6-4  Fugitive Dust Emissions 
  326 IAC 6-5  Fugitive Particulate Matter Emission Limitations 
  326 IAC 6-6  Source Specific and Facility Emission Limitations for TSP in Porter County 
  326 IAC 6.5-1  General Provisions 
  326 IAC 6.8-1  General Provisions 
  326 IAC 6.8-8  Lake County: Continuous Compliance Plan 
  326 IAC 6.8-9  Lake County: PM10 Coke Battery Emission Requirements 
  326 IAC 6.8-10  Lake County: Fugitive Particulate Matter 
  326 IAC 6.8-11  Lake County: Particulate Matter Contingency Measures 
  326 IAC 7-1.1-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 7-1.1-2  Sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-3  Ambient Monitoring 
  326 IAC 7-4-4  Wayne County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-5  LaPorte County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-6  Jefferson County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-7  Sullivan County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-8  Vermillion County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-9  Floyd County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-10  Warrick County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-12.1  Gibson County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-13  Dearborn County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4-14  Porter County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-1  Lake County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-2  Sampling and analysis protocol 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-3  BP Products North America Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-4  Bucko Construction sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-5  Cargill, Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-6  Carmeuse Lime sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-7  Cokenergy Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-8  Indiana Harbor Coke Company sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-9  Ironside Energy, LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-10  ISG Indiana Harbor Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-11  Ispat Inland Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-12  Methodist Hospital sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-13  National Recovery Systems sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-14  NIPSCO Dean H. Mitchell Generating Station sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-15  Rhodia sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-16  Safety-Kleen Oil Recovery Company sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-17  SCA Tissue North America LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-18  State Line Energy, LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 7-4.1-19  Unilever HPC USA sulfur dioxide emission limitations 
  326 IAC 8-1  General Provisions 
  326 IAC 8-2  Surface Coating Emission Limitations 
  326 IAC 8-3  Organic Solvent Degreasing Operations 
  326 IAC 8-4-2  Petroleum refineries 
  326 IAC 8-4-3  Petroleum liquid storage facilities 
  326 IAC 8-4-4  Bulk gasoline terminals 
  326 IAC 8-4-5  Bulk gasoline plants 
  326 IAC 8-4-7  Gasoline transports 
  326 IAC 8-4-8  Leaks from petroleum refineries; monitoring; reports 
  326 IAC 8-4-9  Leaks from transports and vapor collection systems; records 
  326 IAC 8-5  Miscellaneous Operations 
  326 IAC 8-6  Organic Solvent Emission Limitations 
  326 IAC 8-7  Specific VOC Reduction Requirements for Lake, Porter, Clark, and Floyd Counties 
  326 IAC 8-8  Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Located in Clark, Floyd, Lake, and Porter Counties 
  326 IAC 8-8.1  Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Not Located in Clark, Floyd, Lake, and Porter Counties 
  326 IAC 8-11  Wood Furniture Coatings 
  326 IAC 8-12-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 8-12-2  Exemptions 
  326 IAC 8-12-3  Definitions 
  326 IAC 8-12-5  Compliance requirements 
  326 IAC 8-12-6  Test methods and procedures 
  326 IAC 8-12-7  Record keeping, notification, and reporting requirements 
  326 IAC 8-13  Sinter Plants 
  326 IAC 9-1  Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits 
  326 IAC 10-1  Nitrogen Oxides Control in Clark and Floyd Counties 
  326 IAC 10-3-2  Definitions 
  326 IAC 10-3-4  Monitoring and testing requirements 
  326 IAC 10-3-5  Record keeping and reporting 
  326 IAC 10-3-6  Violations 
  326 IAC 10-5  Nitrogen Oxide Reduction Program for Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) 
  326 IAC 11-1  Existing Foundries 
  326 IAC 11-2  Sulfuric Acid Plants 
  326 IAC 11-3  Coke Oven Batteries 
  326 IAC 11-4  Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 13-1.1  Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Requirements 
  326 IAC 13-2.1  Motor Vehicle Tampering, Engine Switching, and Fuel Switching 
  326 IAC 13-3  Control of Gasoline Reid Vapor Pressure 
  326 IAC 14-1  General Provisions 
  326 IAC 14-8  Emission Standard for Equipment Leaks (Fugitive Emission Sources) 
  326 IAC 14-9  Emission Limitations for Benzene from Furnace Coke Oven By-Product Recovery Plants 
  326 IAC 14-10  Emission Standards for Asbestos; Demolition and Renovation Operations 
  326 IAC 15-1-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 18-1  Asbestos Management Personnel; Licensing 
  326 IAC 18-2  Asbestos Training Courses; Requirements for Approval 
  326 IAC 19-3  Clean Fuel Fleet Vehicles 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-2  Definitions 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-4  Emission limitations; lead standards for Quemetco, Incorporated 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-5  Emission limitations and operating provisions 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-7  Total enclosure monitoring requirements 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-8  Fugitive dust source requirements 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-9  Bag leak detection system requirements 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-11  Compliance testing 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-12  Compliance testing methods 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-13  Notification requirements 
  326 IAC 20-13.1-15  Affirmative defense to civil penalties for exceedance of emissions limit during malfunction 

This is a list of rules in 326 IAC to which IC 13-14-9.5 does not apply in accordance with the exceptions in IC 13-14-9.5-1. This list of exempt rules is provided for informational purposes only. The following rules are exempt from IC 13-14-9.5:
  326 IAC 1-1-3.5  References to the Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors AP-42 and Supplements 
  326 IAC 1-4  Attainment Status Designations 
  326 IAC 3-8-1  Applicability; incorporation by reference of federal standards 
  326 IAC 8-8-3  Requirements; incorporation by reference of federal standards 
  326 IAC 8-8.1-3  Requirements; incorporation by reference of federal standards 
  326 IAC 11-6  Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators 
  326 IAC 11-7  Municipal Waste Combustors 
  326 IAC 11-8  Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units 
  326 IAC 11-9  Other Solid Waste Incineration Units 
  326 IAC 11-10  Sewage Sludge Incineration Units 
  326 IAC 14-1-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 14-1-2  Definitions 
  326 IAC 14-1-3  More stringent limitations apply 
  326 IAC 14-2  Emission Standards for Sources of Asbestos Listed in Section 1 of this Rule 
  326 IAC 14-3  Emission Standard for Beryllium 
  326 IAC 14-4  Emission Standard for Beryllium Rocket Motor Firing 
  326 IAC 14-5  Emission Standard for Mercury 
  326 IAC 14-6  Emission Standard for Vinyl Chloride 
  326 IAC 14-7  Emission Standard for Equipment Leaks (Fugitive Emission Sources) of Benzene 
  326 IAC 14-8-1  Applicability 
  326 IAC 14-8-2  Definitions 
  326 IAC 14-8-3  Test methods and procedures 
  326 IAC 14-8-4  Record keeping requirements 
  326 IAC 14-8-5  Reporting requirements 
  326 IAC 16-3-1  Applicability; incorporation by reference of federal standards 
  326 IAC 19-2  Transportation Conformity to Federal and State Implementation Plans 
  326 IAC 20-1  General Provisions 
  326 IAC 20-2  Accidental Releases 
  326 IAC 20-3  Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Coke Oven Batteries 
  326 IAC 20-4  Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial Process Cooling Towers 
  326 IAC 20-5  Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigation Facilities 
  326 IAC 20-6  Halogenated Solvent Cleaning 
  326 IAC 20-7  Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities 
  326 IAC 20-8  Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks 
  326 IAC 20-9  Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Operations 
  326 IAC 20-10  Bulk Gasoline Distribution Facilities 
  326 IAC 20-11  Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industries 
  326 IAC 20-12  Processes Subject to the Negotiated Regulation for Equipment Leaks 
  326 IAC 20-14  Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations 
  326 IAC 20-15  Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities 
  326 IAC 20-16  Petroleum Refineries 
  326 IAC 20-17  Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations 
  326 IAC 20-18  Printing and Publishing Operations 
  326 IAC 20-19  Group I Polymers and Resins 
  326 IAC 20-20  Epoxy Resins and Non-Nylon Polyamides 
  326 IAC 20-21  Group IV Polymers and Resins 
  326 IAC 20-22  Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production 
  326 IAC 20-23  Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations 
  326 IAC 20-24  Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants 
  326 IAC 20-26  Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Surface Coating Operations 
  326 IAC 20-27  Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry 
  326 IAC 20-28  Hazardous Waste Combustors 
  326 IAC 20-29  Hydrochloric Acid Steel Pickling and Regeneration Plants 
  326 IAC 20-30  Oil and Natural Gas Production 
  326 IAC 20-31  Natural Gas Transmission and Storage 
  326 IAC 20-32  Publicly Owned Treatment Works 
  326 IAC 20-33  Pulp and Paper Production; Noncombustion 
  326 IAC 20-34  Phosphoric Acid Manufacturing and Phosphate Fertilizers Production 
  326 IAC 20-35  Tanks–Level 1 
  326 IAC 20-36  Containers 
  326 IAC 20-37  Surface Impoundments 
  326 IAC 20-38  Individual Drain Systems 
  326 IAC 20-39  Closed Vent Systems, Control Devices, Recovery Devices, and Routing to a Fuel Gas System or a Process 
  326 IAC 20-40  Equipment Leaks–Control Level 1 
  326 IAC 20-41  Equipment Leaks–Control Level 2 
  326 IAC 20-42  Oil-Water Separators and Organic-Water Separators 
  326 IAC 20-43  Storage Vessels (Tanks)–Control Level 2 
  326 IAC 20-44  Generic Maximum Achievable Control Technology 
  326 IAC 20-45  Pesticide Active Ingredient 
  326 IAC 20-46  Mineral Wool Production 
  326 IAC 20-47  Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-48  Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Boat Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-49  Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft, Soda, Sulfite, and Stand-Alone Semichemical Pulp Mills 
  326 IAC 20-50  Petroleum Refineries: Catalytic Cracking Units, Catalytic Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units 
  326 IAC 20-51  Manufacturing of Nutritional Yeast 
  326 IAC 20-52  Wet-Formed Fiberglass Mat Production 
  326 IAC 20-53  Leather Finishing Operations 
  326 IAC 20-54  Cellulose Products Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-55  Rubber Tire Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-56  Reinforced Plastic Composites Production 
  326 IAC 20-57  Pharmaceuticals Production 
  326 IAC 20-58  Amino and Phenolic Resins 
  326 IAC 20-59  Polyether Polyols Production 
  326 IAC 20-60  Solvent Extraction for Vegetable Oil Production 
  326 IAC 20-61  Semiconductor Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-62  Refractory Products Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-63  Surface Coating of Large Appliances 
  326 IAC 20-64  Surface Coating of Metal Coil 
  326 IAC 20-65  Paper and Other Web Coating 
  326 IAC 20-66  Flexible Polyurethane Foam Fabrication Operations 
  326 IAC 20-67  Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 
  326 IAC 20-68  Friction Material Manufacturing Facilities 
  326 IAC 20-69  Polyvinyl Chloride and Copolymers Production 
  326 IAC 20-70  Secondary Aluminum 
  326 IAC 20-71  Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing 
  326 IAC 20-72  Brick and Structural Clay Products 
  326 IAC 20-73  Clay Ceramics Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-74  Coke Ovens: Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks 
  326 IAC 20-75  Engine Test Cells/Stands 
  326 IAC 20-76  Hydrochloric Acid Production 
  326 IAC 20-77  Printing, Coating, and Dyeing of Fabrics and Other Textiles 
  326 IAC 20-78  Surface Coating of Metal Furniture 
  326 IAC 20-79  Surface Coating of Wood Building Products 
  326 IAC 20-80  Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products 
  326 IAC 20-81  Surface Coating of Plastic Parts and Products 
  326 IAC 20-82  Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines 
  326 IAC 20-83  Organic Liquid Distribution (Non-Gasoline) 
  326 IAC 20-84  Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-85  Surface Coating of Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks 
  326 IAC 20-86  Surface Coating of Metal Cans 
  326 IAC 20-87  Site Remediation 
  326 IAC 20-88  Miscellaneous Coating Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-89  Coal-Fired and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units 
  326 IAC 20-90  Stationary Combustion Turbines 
  326 IAC 20-91  Lime Manufacturing Plants 
  326 IAC 20-92  Iron and Steel Foundries 
  326 IAC 20-93  Integrated Iron and Steel Manufacturing 
  326 IAC 20-94  Mercury Cell Chlor-Alkali Plants 
  326 IAC 20-95  Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters 
  326 IAC 24-5-1  Applicability and incorporation by reference 
  326 IAC 24-5-2  CSAPR NOx annual trading budget 
  326 IAC 24-6-1  Applicability and incorporation by reference 
  326 IAC 24-6-2  CSAPR NOx ozone season group 2 trading budget 
  326 IAC 24-7-1  Applicability and incorporation by reference 
  326 IAC 24-7-2  CSAPR SO2 group 1 trading budget 
  326 IAC 26-1  Best Available Retrofit Technology 

At this time, IDEM solicits comments on the nonexempt rules listed above that should be reviewed through the regular rulemaking process under IC 13-14-9. IDEM requests that specific changes and language suggestions accompany the comments. Comments may be submitted in one of the following ways:
(1) By mail or common carrier to the following address:
LSA Document #19-245 2019 Title 326 Rule Review
Keelyn Walsh
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(2) By facsimile to (317) 233-5970. Please confirm the timely receipt of faxed comments by calling the Rules Development Branch at (317) 232-8922.
(3) By electronic mail to kwalsh@idem.in.gov. To confirm timely delivery of submitted comments, please request a document receipt when sending the electronic mail. PLEASE NOTE: Electronic mail comments will NOT be considered part of the official written comment period unless they are sent to the email address indicated in this notice.
(4) Hand delivered to the receptionist on duty at the thirteenth floor reception desk, Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Regardless of the delivery method used, in order to properly identify each comment with the rulemaking action it is intended to address, each comment document must clearly specify the LSA document number of the rulemaking.

Comments must be postmarked, faxed, or time stamped not later than May 31, 2019. Hand-delivered comments must be delivered to the office by 4:45 p.m. on the above-listed deadline date.
Additional information regarding this action may be obtained from Keelyn Walsh, Rules Development Branch, Office of Legal Counsel, (317) 232-8229 or (800) 451-6027 (in Indiana).

Christine Pedersen, Section Chief
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Posted: 05/01/2019 by Legislative Services Agency

DIN: 20190501-IR-326190245BNA
Composed: Jul 26,2024 8:06:30PM EDT
A PDF version of this document.